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Saturday, August 28, 2010

WoRk PoLiTiCs?

No matter where you work and who you work with, there are always people who are POWER HUNGRY and desperate for attention! They will do anything they can to win the management's hearts and always show that they are the best at what they do "only when the boss is around". They are the biggest hypocrites in the whole entire world and all you want to do is grab their heads and twist their necks till it cracks and make sure they're not breathing when you are done with them! WOW! that sounds wrong... Don't worry that's just how I feel about those people, I never really did that :)
Now these people love it when you are afraid of them and they know that you will want to be their friend just because you don't want to be on their bad side. Even if they paid me millions I would never be friends with these type of people because they just don't deserve to have friends. I don't think we should be afraid of work politics and just go with the flow. Just make sure you don't get involved in it. Surprisingly we don't realize that sometimes we do act like them or maybe become like them. I know, that maybe right now one of them may be reading this blog at this very moment. I wont be surprised though because I've seen so many faces, and attitudes and I know the going gets tough if you mess around with these type of people.
Let me give an example of work politics from my workplace, wont mention names though (I might get into deep trouble even by posting this in my blog). I just started working in a new company and off course the office politics in this company is damn strong! I didn't notice it at first but after just 2 days of working, it was so obvious! There was this one particular person and believe me, this person plays a one man show! This person will point out every single mistake anyone in the team makes and every time you make a mistake, an email will be sent to you highlighting your mistake CC the BOSS! OMG! so far I haven't been highlighted and I hope I wont be in the near future! It's amazing how this person can point out mistakes made by every individual in our team not to mention that there were 19 members not including us (the newbies) and the boss! We call this person the highlighter marker pen! I think it really suits that person.
Coincidentally, this individual was my friend's mentor and he face a few errors while doing the work that was given to him, newbies? what do you expect? we're not perfect right? There was something wrong with the documents and the previous person in charge of the document didn't follow-up accordingly. As usual that person tells my friend to send out an email to the Previous person in charge. The person in charge of that case previously replied the email in a sarcastic manner telling that person to check properly before asking a newbie to send him an email and if that person is not good enough to be a mentor, ask the boss to look for someone else to be my friend's mentor! Wow! That really did it!
The next thing we know, both of them were called to the Office to see the boss! I don't know how that happened but when they came out of the meeting the dude was just smiling and "THAT PERSON" looked really pissed off! I don't know what went on there but it sure made that person look stupid. Still got to get updated on that stuff! Once I get the update I will post it here. I sure hope the boss was fair to judge between the both of them.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane... Never Coming Back Again?

Well, it sounds weird and it is. I'm not actually leaving on any jet plane, it's not that I have a private jet of my own anyway. Haha! I wish I can explain the joy I feel right now after leaving that place of doom. More like heaven now that I don't have to listen to any crappy person telling me it's all my fault that they are in that situation and now all I have to do is keep that in my memories and be careful on what job I want to apply for in the future. Thanks to my friends for helping me go through that tough time in my life and a special thanks to my baby alang as well for putting up with my messy attitude.

Let me share a few habits I picked up while working in that place:

1. I am more grumpy and moody than before

2. So impatient till the point I'll scream at people if I don't get what I want. (I think it sounds like most of the people I talked to on the phone everyday)

3. I always want things to be done A.S.A.P, and I mean now! 

4. Laziness 100% (more connected to my previous post if you haven't read it yet)

5. I tend to sleep less dunno why. (guess it's because of stress)

Now that's just some of the bad habits I picked up from this job. I also learnt a lot of things I wouldn't have done if I didn't work at this company. 

1. Now I know to always read the terms & conditions for anything that you purchase online or from the shops. Most of the people I know never bother to read the terms and conditions and when something does happen they get all grumpy and there is nothing they can do about it because they agreed to the terms & conditions full stop.

2. No matter how much you argue with the call centre people you will never get what you want. 

3. Never ask for a supervisor because you wont ever get to speak to one, especially if you are calling into an airline call centre. It's different with banks, they are aiming at zero complaints.

4. If you have a major problem with an airline company, just write in and don't bother to call, because you are just wasting your time holding the line waiting for them to answer and arguing with the agents because your complaint wont be entertained.

5. There are hundreds of people calling in at the same time as you so don't say I've been waiting for ages because they all know that and they even know how long you wait on the line so don't bother lying and saying that you waited for hours when it was just a 10minute wait.

LoL! I don't want to say anymore. It just pisses me off thinking about it. You probably wont understand what we go through working at a call centre unless you've worked at a call centre before! You might think it's an easy job, but trust me it's hell! 

You sit down the whole day listening to crap and explaining things you know people wont listen to unless they just want to buy something. You don't know what's coming next until you hear that bitchy voice or swearing man on the other line demanding to speak to your manager and when you go looking for one, they just say handle the call yourself, you're senior enough!. I don't know how they got appointed as the management if they can't even handle complaints from normal customers. That's most of them though... There are a few that get stress just trying to help us and even take escalation calls on their off days! That get's me stressed up too. Because I think it is totally unfair, and surprisingly they don't even get a relevant raise and they are still normal agents. It's totally crappy right?? 

Come to think again I will never work in an airline call centre ever again because I am getting sick just working there and now I can't do the normal things I used to do till further notice. Sucks right? That's why I specifically put the title of this post as "I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane... Never Coming Back Again?". 

I'm still really pissed of with that company but WTF... I don't care anymore because I am out of there and even if I wanted to do something bad to them I wouldn't because it would be a waste of my precious time. 

To my Friend who is also an author on this blog... Liz, Get out of there A.S.A.P...
Don't want you to go crazy there.... :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

LaZiNeSs & My JoB (HoW iT CoNnEcTs)

Have you ever had that sudden surge "Oh no I don't feel like doing that!" attitude? You didn't want to do anything! Not even lay down on your bed and do anything! Not even move a step to the kitchen or sofa to eat or watch TV. Not even get up to go to work!

Wikipedia describes Laziness (also called indolence) as a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative; related terms for a person seen to be lazy include couch potato, slacker, and bludger.

This is one of the examples that Wikipedia inserted on its definition for laziness.
       "It is common for animals (even those like hummingbirds that have high energy needs) to forage for food until satiated, and then spend most of their time doing nothing, or at least nothing in particular. They seek to "satisfy" their needs rather than obtaining an optimal diet or habitat. Even diurnal animals, which have a limited amount of daylight in which to accomplish their tasks, follow this pattern. Social activity comes in a distant third to eating and resting for foraging animals. When more time must be spent foraging, animals are more likely to sacrifice time spent on aggressive behavior than time spent resting. Extremely efficient predators have more free time and thus often appear more lazy than relatively inept predators that have little free time. Beetles likewise seem to forage lazily due to a lack of foraging competitors.On the other hand, some animals, such as pigeons and rats, seem to prefer to respond for food rather than eat equally available "free food" in some conditions."
 Wow! see Even animals get lazy and need to spend time doing nothing to make up for all the hard work that they did hunting and running away from predators. Well as humans we also need to spend time doing nothing after 9 hours of hard work 5 days a week (That's for some of us working office hours). How about those people who work more than 10 hours a day? 7 days a week? OMG! They need a life! Maybe reading up to this point you might agree that I am making sense right? 
   To tell you the truth I am feeling really lazy now. I feel lazy to the point that I don't want to do anything at all. I don't know what is causing this laziness.
From what I read through blogs and articles, symptoms for laziness are:
* Depression
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
* Schizophrenia

      From what I read, I think my job is depressing, tiring and it makes me sick.  I used to love my job until things started to change, rules, policies, the people, the management. Everything started to change. As time went by I didn't even know if what I was doing was the right thing or not. I hear things from a lot of other colleagues, things I didn't want to hear. I totally ignored it and told myself that that's just another company thing. All companies will have their ups and downs and their political issues. Then it happened to me. Pay deductions, held commission just because of one stupid call. Most of my friends left the company just because of that. I didn't care because at that point I still can cope with the fact that I was working my ass off for nothing!

     How stupid could I be. My sister resigned earlier this year and there was this thing that the company did that really pissed me off!. Everyone that worked in the company got their salary deducted for a so called "deposit" just in case they left the company with the head set and the access card. That so called "deposit" was supposed to be refunded if you tendered a proper resignation and gave the items back properly. Well for your information my sister gave the things in proper order sent in a resignation letter but got nothing back. They didn't even put anything regarding the so called "deposit" in the offer letter that all staff was supposed to sign. Tell me if that makes sense or not.

    Most of my friends that have resigned from the company never got their so called "deposit" refunded back to them, some didn't even get their salary. They have made several reports to the relevant authority but the company still didn't take any action. Wow! they are powerful aren't they? Let's see how powerful they can get and how strong they are if more people put in complaints to the proper authority. One of my friends had his basic salary held just because of sick leave! Doesn't make sense at all! And until today he didn't get his salary yet! And just recently one of the other staff in another department called in sick and she was even hospitalized for 5 days but... you wont believe this. The management said that if she took 5 days of medical leave only 1 day would be paid and the rest would be unpaid leave. The poor girl came to work the next day even in a very sick condition. She reported to the proper authority too. I wonder how many reports do they want? I am so frustrated now! I feel like screaming!

    At work we get scolding for something we didn't do, we get sweared at! and we get stupid things like oooo you need to reach this target, you need to reach that target. blah blah blah.... The targets weren't an issue to me but if we failed to reach the target please don't deduct the whole thing off just like that. People worked for that shit you know! we deserve to get paid for that.

Well the point is. I became lazy because of the demotivation the company gave me and i wrote everything in here it would take me ages to finish so this will be the end of my post. My next post will be... I am leaving on a jet plane... and I will never be back again! 


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


SUNDAY, 20THJUNE 2010, 0230HRS

I woke up and found that nobody was home yet. I tried to send my brother an sms but it wasn't delivered. Starting to worry that he didn't come home yet I dialled my sister's number to ask whether he was with her or not.

Me: Hey is Clarey with you?
My sis: Yup.. I mean no he just went back home
Me: owh... okay where are you guys now?
My sis: OMG! there's this kitten stuck in the drain! it's screaming for help! Clarey's gone back to get something.
Me: Okay...

I hung up the call and right after that my brother called and told me to open the door coz he was in a hurry. After getting his batterries for his phone he ran downstairs and disappeared down the stairs.

1 hour later...
They came home telling me the story of how my brother went into the stinky, yucky, cockroach infested drain to rescue the tiny kitty. Well I'll be posting a video of the cute kitty after the rescue and maybe i'll get the whole story from my brother and post it too. I don't really know the real story so I wont post it yet. They decided to call the cat BITZ.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

FaThEr'S dAy!!! wHaT tO bUy fOr HiM???

Hey.... Any ideas what to buy for you daddy?? errrkkk please give some ideas... Next post will be about this topic.....

To Be Continued...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

goodness, this blog changes color every time I see it. @.@

anyway, I'm home sick today. could barely wake up at 5.30am, and with a fuzzy headache, so took MC for the day.

my MCs are always unproductive days...had to drag myself on a bus to Sunway to see a doctor, since I can't muster the energy to walk to Taipan.

see me fly
i'm proud to fly up high

believe me i can fly
i'm singing in the sky

Errrkkkk!!! Hahaha LoL!

Wow! thanks for the update from me friend hehehe, well everyone has been through some things in life that you would never forget. Especially being the laughing stock...
Well let me share a few:

1. This happenned 2 years back when I was still working at a bakery...
My alarm clock was ringing at 4.30am. My shift started at 6am. Unfortunately...I didn't hear the alarm. Well I did but that was in my dreams and was trying to find the bloody thing so I could switch it off! Hmmm... of course my brother woke up. he took the phone and pointed the thing at my face, woke me up and..... OMG!!! my reactions when i'm half asleep! I took the phone pressed the answer button and like answering a phone call i said hello! HAHAHAHAHA!
It took me a while to realise that both of my brothers were awake and laughing their butts off!!

2. There was this other time, quite similar to the incident above, but this time, MY BROTHER'S alarm was ringing! He had a flip phone and so did I... Well that didn't sound quite right... hahaha... Okay back to the story... So what happened was.. He woke up and wanted to see what my reaction was if he woke me up with his alarm....
       He woke me up, and flipped his phone open in front of my face! Coincidentally my phone was right beside me and BOOM!!! there I was again with my awful habit... I took my phone Flipped it open and wala! i put it in front of his face too! It's like...LOOK HERE I GOT A FLIP PHONE AND IT SHINES BRIGHTER THAN YOURS!!!

LOL!! and you guessed... I was the laughing stock again!!!

3. Well this last one happenned just recently in my new house....

    One day my sister came home from work and I was fast asleep in my room dreaming my way to some paradise resort hehehe... She woke me up just to ask for her water bottle!!!! What a pain!!! Well by reading the short stories up there you might have guessed what happenned next....

my sister: Hey! wake up!! Have you seen my water bottle?
                          me : hmmmm.... Welcome to (company name) Reyna speaking how can i help you?
my sister: (jaws wide opened) What the??
me: (realizing that I just said something silly and was annoyed to hell with what happenned started to scream at my sister...) YOU IDIOT!!! Why'd you have to wake me up in the middle of the night just for your stupid bottle!! use your eyes and find it yourself!!!!

 Well... there were still alot to tell but if i did type them all out i think it will fill up my whole blog!! hahaha.. If you do have any stories you want to share just leave comments and let me know... I might be able to publish it in my little blog.. who knows?? heheheh Thanks for reading and please comment!!!